Friday, April 9, 2010
"Here's the naked panic prevails"
Frankfurt / Main - panic in the stock market! The DAX has slumped massively on Monday afternoon.
The DAX index slid 16.40 to clock off at 6.53 percent at 6837 meters. A crash of more than 400 points.
"This is the größteTagesverlust in the DAX, since the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001. Here are the nacktePanik there," said one trader. "Unbelievable! This reminds me mehrein nothing," was also the verdict of another broker.
Zwarübertreibe the market with the recent losses - but not könnederzeit be assessed when the ground had been reached andthe DAX would launch into a recovery.
One reason for the enormous losses: Anlegerverschreckt The global financial crisis and has pushed the shareholder base in Germany on the niedrigstenStand since 1996.
Presented in the second half of 2007, only noch3, 8 million people in Germany, told money directly in shares, matching 571,000, or 13.2 percent less than in the first half, wiedas German Stock Institute (DAI) in Frankfurt on Monday.